Ezequiel Coronado

Hermanos Zamarron Y Sus Caporales
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Primero hicieron la yunta

First, they made the yoke

Y pegaron la carreta

And attached it to the cart

Fueron a traer nopal

They went to get prickly pear

Muy dura estaba la sequia

The drought was very harsh

Las vacas en el corral

The cows in the pen

Bramaban y daban tristeza

They mooed and gave sadness

Era Ezequiel coronado

It was Ezequiel Coronado

Y su hijo de 15 años

And his 15-year-old son

Ensillaron los caballos

They saddled the horses

Iba el muchacho montado

The boy was riding

También llevaba pistola

He also carried a pistol

Y treinta treinta plateado

And a silver thirty-thirty

Cuando estaban chamuscando

While they were singeing

Ezequiel le dijo a su hijo

Ezequiel said to his son

Tu ya eres un hombrecito

You are already a little man

Escucha lo que te digo

Listen to what I tell you

Por mi culpa no has ido al pueblo

It's because of me you haven't gone to town

En el pueblo están mis enemigos

In town, my enemies are

No se raje caporales

Don't back down, caporales

Todo empezó en la cantina

It all started in the cantina

Eran un día 7 de mayo

It was on a 7th of May

Tu y tu mamá me esperaban

You and your mom were waiting for me

Afuera con los caballos

Outside with the horses

Yo entre a cobrar un dinero

I went in to collect some money

Por la venta de un caballo

For the sale of a horse

Ramón estaba tomando

Ramón was drinking

Con cuatro de sus hermanos

With four of his brothers

A que as venido Ezequiel

Why have you come, Ezequiel?

Que es lo que me estas cobrando

What are you charging me for?

Yo a ti no te debo nada

I don't owe you anything

Ahorita te vas largando

Right now, you're leaving

Se acabaron las palabras

Words are over

Yo mate a Ramón y selso

I killed Ramón and Selso

Cuando Salí pá la calle

When I went out to the street

Tu madre ya avía muerto

Your mother was already dead

Tenia un balazo en la frente

She had a gunshot to the forehead

Yo lloro cuando me acuerdo

I cry when I remember

Por si algún día a mi me matan

In case someday they kill me

Puedes irte para bravo

You can go to Bravo

No digas quien fue tu padre

Don't say who your father was

Para que vivas tranquilo

So you can live peacefully

Ay viven los Cantú

The Cantú family lives there

Ellos son mis enemigos

They are my enemies

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico July 3, 2024
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