A Ella

Fernando Delgadillo
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Hoy me vino la gana que no las musas

Today the desire came to me, not the muses

Hoy no tengo pretextos ni disculpas

Today I have no excuses or apologies

Para cantarte a ti

To sing to you

Para escribirte un verso y descolgarte desde aquí

To write you a verse and hang it from here

Hasta las ganas de la mañana

Even the desire for the morning

Ya por venir

Already on its way

Hoy primero del segundo del año

Today, the first of the second of the year

Mientras esta mujer rompe el espacio

While this woman breaks through space

Para inventarse al fin

To invent herself at last

Para mirarla toda en el silencio y de perfil

To look at her all in silence and in profile

Tomo sus manos,como escenario

I take her hands, as a stage

Para existir

To exist

Y es que no importa que digan,que esta trillado

And it doesn't matter what they say, that it's cliché

Hablar de amor,que mal digan si no han probado

Talking about love, let them speak badly if they haven't tried

La noche en sus brazos de sol

The night in his arms of sun

Y es que no importa que digan,que esta trillado

And it doesn't matter what they say, that it's cliché

Hablar de amor,que mal digan si no han probado

Talking about love, let them speak badly if they haven't tried

La noche en sus brazos de soooooool

The night in his arms of suuuuun



Se detiene el reloj sobre nosotros

The clock stops on us

Caen las diez que resbalan por sus hombros

The ten fall, sliding down her shoulders

Y se cuela la luz

And the light filters

Que se enrede en tu pelo pero la liberas tu

Entwining in your hair, but you set it free

Oro y diamante por un instante de tono azul

Gold and diamond for an instant of blue tone

Y es que no importa que digan,que esta trillado

And it doesn't matter what they say, that it's cliché

Hablar de amor,que mal digan si no han probado

Talking about love, let them speak badly if they haven't tried

La noche en sus brazos de sol

The night in his arms of sun

Y es que no importa que digan,que esta trillado

And it doesn't matter what they say, that it's cliché

Hablar de amor,que mal digan si no han probado

Talking about love, let them speak badly if they haven't tried

La noche en sus brazos de soooool

The night in his arms of suuuuuun



Moderated by Juan Hernandez
San Salvador, El Salvador September 24, 2024
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