Con El Sombrero de Lado
Enigma NorteñoLyrics
Con el sombreo de lado
With the hat to the side
Y con su super del 11
And with his Super 11
Señas muy particulares
Very particular signs
Las que porta siempre el hombre
Those that the man always carries
Le dicen el mz
They call him "El MZ"
Nunca de nadie se esconde
He never hides from anyone
No mas por ser el señor
Just for being the lord
Su nombre es reconocido
His name is recognized
En todito sinaloa
In all of Sinaloa
Es un hombre muy querido
He is a very beloved man
A pesar que tiene todo
Even though he has everything
Lo humilde lo a distinguido
The humble has distinguished him
Afortunado en amores
Fortunate in love
Para eso nacio con suerte
For that, he was born lucky
Con su chapis por un lado
With his chapis on one side
Siempre ayudando a su gente
Always helping his people
Al 100 esta la plebada
The crowd is at 100
Ala orden y bien pendientes
Ready and very attentive
Quenta con grandes amigos
He has great friends
Con los que suele tomar
With whom he usually drinks
El compa 4 y bernardo
Compa 4 and Bernardo
No se an sabido rajar
They haven't known how to back down
Mucho menos su compradre
Much less his compadre
Llamado chapo guzman
Called Chapo Guzman
Seguido sube a la sierra
He often goes up to the mountains
Para el es facil llegar
For him, it's easy to get there
Montando buenos caballos
Riding good horses
Contento siempre estara
He will always be happy
En puros carros blindados
In pure armored cars
Por proteccion personal
For personal protection
Tiene un arma preferida
He has a favorite weapon
Rifle m16
M16 rifle
Los cuernos aya en el piso
The horns down there on the floor
Por si se llega a ofrecer
In case an opportunity arises
Para dormir en confianza
To sleep in confidence
Los tiene muy cerca de el
He has them very close to him
Vengan canten mis canciones
Come sing my songs
Tambien bonitos corridos
Also beautiful corridos
Toquen dinero manchado
Play stained money
Y el corrido del niño
And the corrido of the boy
Aun me sigue pesando
It still weighs on me
Que mario aguirre se ah ido
That Mario Aguirre has gone
Ese rancho del salado
That ranch of El Salado
Nunca te voy a olvidar
I will never forget you
Los alamos sinaloa
Los Alamos, Sinaloa
Es mi pueblito natal
Is my little native town
Se despide el m grande
The big M says goodbye
De su lindo culiacan
From his beautiful Culiacan