Las Dos Escuadras Tronaron

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Era mujer muy hermoza

She was a very beautiful woman

nativa d santa roza

native of Santa Rosa

la que atendia los clientes

who attended to the clients

sabia que no era doncella

knew that she was not a maiden

por esa mujer tan ella

because of that woman, so herself

se mataron 2 valientes.

two brave men killed each other.

un teniente coronel

A lieutenant colonel

que un dia llego al burdel

who one day arrived at the brothel

se encapricho con SARITA

became infatuated with Sarita

en mi caballo lucero

on my horse Lucero

a esa mujer me la llevo

I took that woman with me

nomas por sen tan bonita.

just because she was so beautiful.

no contaba el militar

The military man didn't know

que hay estaba baltazar

that Baltazar was there

que la amaba intensamente

loving her intensely

para llevarse a sarita

to take Sarita away

tiene que matarme ahorita

he has to kill me right now

usted dira mi teniente.

you will say, my lieutenant.

a que te atienes muchacho

What are you getting into, young man?

seguro que andas borracho

Surely you're drunk

quitate de mji camino

get out of my way

por toda la luz del dia

all the light of day

te juro que sara es mia

I swear that Sara is mine

ese sera su destino.

that will be her fate.

La gente con muucho apuro

People in a great hurry

buscaba un lugar seguro

were looking for a safe place

iban a sacar los fierros

they were going to draw their guns

SARA quizo intervenir

SARA wanted to intervene

para no verlos morir

to avoid seeing them die

pero no hubo otro remedio.

but there was no other remedy.

Las 2 escuadras tronaron

The two squads thundered

2 hombres se acribillaron

two men were riddled

por el amor de sarita

for the love of Sarita

la historia se ah repetido

the story has repeated itself

2 valientes que se han ido

two brave men have gone

por una mujer bonita.

for a beautiful woman.

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela June 17, 2024
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