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Te cuesta amarme como antes

You find it hard to love me like before

Ya no llames, ya sé lo que escondes

Don't call anymore, I know what you're hiding

Respuestas, busqué en todas partes

Answers, I searched everywhere

Luego noté, que hubo poco interés

Then I noticed, there was little interest

¿Era verdad cuando me dijiste todas esas cosas lindas

Was it true when you told me all those lovely things

O solo fui un juego para ti?

Or was I just a game to you?

Mil cosas he sabido y nunca te he dejado de amar

I've known a thousand things and never stopped loving you

Te valoraba, Tú me ignorabas

I valued you, you ignored me

Sé que has tenido horas felices y no son conmigo

I know you've had happy hours, and they're not with me

Tú me engañabas, no te importaba

You deceived me, you didn't care

Tú eras parte de mi vida, no te imaginas lo que causaste en mí

You were part of my life, you can't imagine what you caused in me

El tiempo que estuvimos juntos, me ilusionaste y yo ya te perdí

The time we spent together, you excited me, and now I've lost you

Estoy tan triste porque no dejo de pensar en ti, la neta que si duele estar así

I'm so sad because I can't stop thinking about you, honestly, it hurts to be like this

Solo deseo de que te acuerdes un poquito de mi

I just wish you remember a little bit of me

Pues la verdad que no podré vivir sin ti

Because the truth is, I can't live without you

Sé que has tenido horas felices y no son conmigo

I know you've had happy hours, and they're not with me

Tú me engañabas, me ilusionabas

You deceived me, you excited me

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú June 18, 2024
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