Papá Elefante
Tempranito a comer
Early to eat
Llegó papá elefante
Daddy elephant arrived
Se aflojó su cinturón
Loosened his belt
Se soltó los dos tirantes
Released both suspenders
Y papá elefante
And daddy elephant
Contento y barrigón
Happy and belly-full
Se sirvió su sopa
Served himself soup
Con el cucharón
With a ladle
Junto a él, un elefantito
Next to him, a little elephant
Estaba sentadito
Was sitting
Sin comer, sólo jugueteaba
Not eating, just playing
Golpeando la cuchara
Hitting the spoon
A ver, hijito, si tomas tu sopa
Come on, little one, have your soup
Y cuando comas no suenes la boca
And when you eat, don't make noise with your mouth
¡Pero papaíto
But daddy,
Es que no me gusta
I don't like
Sopas de lenteja ni frijol!
Lentil or bean soups!
Yo quiero un pedacito
I want a piece
Que sea muy grandote
That's really big
De aquel pastelote
Of that big cake
De limón
Lemon flavored