Camino a La Victoria

Cabra Negra
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Tú eres tú fuerza, eres quien decide

You are your strength, you are the one who decides

No olvides tu sangre, base de tu valor

Do not forget your blood, the foundation of your valor

Siempre adelante, sin dejar tu camino

Always forward, without leaving your path

Siempre triunfante, muestra tu fulgor

Always triumphant, show your radiance

Reinado incipiente, es tu profecía

Incipient reign, it is your prophecy

Obscura, insidiosa, es tu majestad

Obscure, insidious, is your majesty

Tu alma se convierte en cientos de letanías

Your soul becomes hundreds of litanies

Este es tu legado, la inmortalidad

This is your legacy, immortality

Porque has sido tu quien ha marchado triunfante

Because it has been you who has marched triumphant

Y todo lo que miras te pertenece

And everything you see belongs to you

No dejes que mentiras infecten tu sangre

Do not let lies infect your blood

No dejes que el engaño invada tu fe

Do not let deceit invade your faith

Sigue implacable, avasallante, adelante

Continue relentless, overwhelming, forward

Implacable, no dejes que se rinda tu ser

Relentless, do not let your being surrender

Lucha, por tu sangre, por tu tierra, por tu historia

Fight, for your blood, for your land, for your history

Por tu gloria, no dejes tu alma desvanecer

For your glory, do not let your soul fade away

En el libro de tu historia no hay palabras cobardes

In the book of your history, there are no cowardly words

Todo lo necesario en tu ser lo tienes

Everything you need is within you

No dejes que mentiras infecten tu sangre

Do not let lies infect your blood

No dejes que el engaño invada tu fe

Do not let deceit invade your faith

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico September 14, 2024
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