No Pasa Nada

Banda Ilusión
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En el dorado me gusta andar

In the golden (land) I like to walk

Tanbien me paseo aqui en culiacan

I also stroll here in Culiacán

Me padre es damaso yo mini lic

My father is Dámaso, I'm Mini Lic

El chavelo, el cris, respaldan al mil

El Chavelo, El Cris, support (me) to the max

Son agresivos con los enemigos

They are aggressive with the enemies

El que anda en montanas

He who walks in the mountains

Ese es mi padrino

That's my godfather

No pasa nada al pendiente plebada

Nothing happens, stay tuned, people

Ya se esta asercando el fin de semana

The weekend is approaching

La fiesta sonando aya en mi rancho

The party sounding there in my ranch

Quisas con plebitas vinito tomando

Maybe with girls, wine drinking

Con el 15 pendiente ami lado

With the 15 (gun) ready by my side

Pa estar proteguiendo la vida del rayo

To be protecting the life of the lightning

Soy amigo de ivan archibaldo

I'm a friend of Ivan Archibaldo

Tambien del gordo el hijo del mayo

Also of El Gordo, the son of Mayo

Al abel lo miro casi a diario

I see Abel almost daily

Saludos pal fantasma y al bravo

Greetings to the Ghost and the Brave

Tambien se les extrana al primo marcos

We also miss cousin Marcos

Lo llevo en mi pecho, era buen muchacho

I carry him in my heart, he was a good lad

Ay que acostumbrarse ala verdad

We have to get used to the truth

La vida quita y tambien nos da

Life takes away and also gives us

Te nos fuiste moreno muy luego

You left us, dark one, very soon

Nos dejaste bonitos recuerdos

You left us beautiful memories

No olvido al viejo, siempre lo recuerdo

I don't forget the old man, I always remember him

Padre de mi padre, mi querido abuelo

Father of my father, my dear grandfather

Rodiado de amigos me la paso siempre

Surrounded by friends, I always spend it

Pasiando seguido tambien con mujeres

Walking often, also with women

No falta la banda, no falta el norteno

The band is not missing, the northern (music) is not missing

La musica en vivo porque ando contento

Live music because I'm happy

Traigan mas vino, traigan mas cervesas

Bring more wine, bring more beers

Llego el licenciado pa alargar la fiesta

The graduate arrived to extend the party

Ya fue todo por hoy mi plebada

Everything is done for today, my people

Van dos dias que no eh dormido nada

It's been two days since I haven't slept at all

No pasa nada vuelvo a recargar

Nothing happens, I recharge again

Si ay algun problema responde mi apa

If there's any problem, my dad will respond

Por lo pronto voy a descansar

For now, I'm going to rest

Para agarrar fuerzas y luego pistiar.

To gather strength and then drink

Moderated by Isabel Ruiz
Quito, Ecuador March 13, 2025
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