Culpo a mi timidez por no saber que decirte
I blame my shyness for not knowing what to tell you
Culpo a mi inmadurez por no poder ser mas simple
I blame my immaturity for not being able to be simpler
Es que no hay una cosa, que no haya visto en ti
It's just that there is not one thing that I haven't seen in you
La manera en que te acomodas los lentes
The way you adjust your glasses
Tus ojos mas brillosos que el sol
Your eyes shinier than the sun
Que no puedo ver directamente
That I can't look directly
Por que delata mi atención
Because it betrays my attention
Y yo y yo, tímido al conocerte
And I, and I, shy when meeting you
Y tu y tu, con tu mirada sonriente
And you, and you, with your smiling gaze
Y voy detrás en tu perfume que me hace caer
And I follow in your perfume that makes me fall
En un mundo donde todo funcionaba al revés
Into a world where everything worked the other way around
Es que no hay una cosa que no haya visto en ti x4
It's just that there is not one thing that I haven't seen in you x4
No existen las palabras adecuadas para describírtelo
There are no adequate words to describe it
Días podrían pasar
Days could pass
Meses y años quizá
Months and years perhaps
Pero no lo pudiese notar no no
But I couldn't notice it, no, no
Podemos seguir el instinto
We can follow our instinct
Se que tienes algo distinto
I know you have something different
La forma en que me ves es un vicio
The way you look at me is an addiction
Me harías saltar desde el quinto
You would make me jump from the fifth
Otra podría pasar hacerme señas quizá
Another could pass, maybe signal me
Pero no lo pudiese notar no no
But I couldn't notice it, no, no
Es que no hay una cosa que no haya visto en ti x4
It's just that there is not one thing that I haven't seen in you x4