No Te Quiero Perder

Antonio Orozco
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A veces todavía en mi recuerdo

Sometimes still in my memory

Coletea aquel sincero y lindo conocer,

Coils that sincere and lovely encounter,

En que tu aroma y tu belleza

In which your scent and your beauty

Destaparon en silencio

Unveiled in silence

Mi nuevo amanecer.

My new dawn.

Momentos que florecen

Moments that bloom

Como campos de amapolas

Like fields of poppies

Entre historias de ayer

Among stories of yesterday

Frescura de fragancia que en tus labios desprendía

Freshness of fragrance that emanated from your lips

El tierno atardecer.

The tender sunset.

El sol se perdía y los luceros salían

The sun was setting, and the stars were coming out

A verte caminar

To see you walk

Y la luna entusiasmada del momento

And the moon, excited by the moment

En su blanca cuna me hacía soñar.

In its white cradle, made me dream.

Y ahora que tus besos son pa mí

And now that your kisses are for me

No te quiero perder

I don't want to lose you

Y ahora que tu anhelo está por mí

And now that your longing is for me

No te quiero perder,

I don't want to lose you,

Y ahora que tus llantos son por mí

And now that your tears are for me

No te quiero perder, no te quiero perder.

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you.

A veces todavía en estas noches

Sometimes still in these nights

Que comparto con mi alma en soledad,

That I share with my soul in solitude,

Me ciega la amargura que recorre el pensamiento

The bitterness blinds me that runs through the thought

De vernos naufragar.

Of seeing us shipwreck.

La miel en tu mirada, la luz envenenada

The honey in your gaze, the poisoned light

En cada despertar,

In every awakening,

Enseñan a mi oscura y extraña vidad rara

Teach my dark and strange rare life

Lo frágil del amar.

The fragility of love.

Tú aroma vestía los encantos del día,

Your scent dressed the charms of the day,

Como un limpio cristal

Like a clean glass

Y sólo la ternura del momento

And only the tenderness of the moment

Conduce mi inquieta serenidad.

Guides my restless serenity.

Y ahora que tus besos son pa mí

And now that your kisses are for me

No te quiero perder

I don't want to lose you

Y ahora que tu anhelo está por mí

And now that your longing is for me

No te quiero perder,

I don't want to lose you,

Y ahora que tus llantos son por mí

And now that your tears are for me

No te quiero perder, no te quiero perder.

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you.

Y ahora que tus llantos son por mí

And now that your tears are for me

No te quiero perder

I don't want to lose you

Y ahora que tu anhelo está por mí

And now that your longing is for me

No te quiero perder,

I don't want to lose you,

Y ahora que tus llantos son por mí

And now that your tears are for me

No te quiero perder, no te quiero perder.

I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you.

Moderated by Isabella Lopez
Tegucigalpa, Honduras February 2, 2025
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