Alexander AchaLyrics
Sabes que estás invadiendo
You know you're invading
Cada sentimiento que hay dentro de mi
Every feeling that is within me
Robas descaradamente cosas que mi mente no quiere decir
You shamelessly steal things that my mind doesn't want to say
Y me asalta tu mirada sin piedad no me puedo defender
And your gaze assaults me mercilessly, I can't defend myself
Me tendiste una emboscada una vez más estoy rendido mírame
You set up an ambush once again, I surrender, look at me
Amiga si te acercas otro poco no resistiré, te besaré
Friend, if you come a little closer, I won't resist, I'll kiss you
Amiga como es que no te das cuenta de que ya nada puedo hacer, me enamore
Friend, how is it that you don't realize that I can't do anything anymore, I fell in love
Usas despiadadamente tu arsenal de armas para seducir
You ruthlessly use your arsenal of weapons to seduce
Entras ingeniosamente por puertas de mi alma que no suelo abrir
You ingeniously enter through the doors of my soul that I don't usually open
Y haces malabares con mi voluntad soy alfil en tu ajedrez
And you juggle with my will, I am a pawn in your chess
Con el corazón a punto de estallar ya me tienes a tus pies
With the heart about to burst, you already have me at your feet
Amiga si te acercas otro poco no resistiré, te besaré
Friend, if you come a little closer, I won't resist, I'll kiss you
Amiga como es que no te das cuenta de que ya nada puedo hacer, me enamore
Friend, how is it that you don't realize that I can't do anything anymore, I fell in love
Amiga si te acercas otro poco no resistiré, te besaré
Friend, if you come a little closer, I won't resist, I'll kiss you
Amiga con tan solo dos palabras te explicaré, te lo diré
Friend, with just two words, I'll explain it to you, I'll tell you
Me enamoré
I fell in love