La Casa Del Sol Naciente
Alejandra GuzmánLyrics
Aqui nació, aqui soñó
Here I was born, here I dreamed
aqui vivió mi amor
here lived my love
pero ya no estas
but you're not here anymore
no sigues junto a mi
you're not with me anymore
no esta mi amor
my love is not here
no esta
it's not here
Hogar del sol naciente
Home of the rising sun
sol que ya no esta
sun that is no longer here
un sol que ya no alumbrará
a sun that will no longer shine
no, no alumbrará
no, it won't shine
Si nunca voy a verte
If I'll never see you
si jamás tu volverás
if you'll never come back
yo me ire muy lejos
I will go far away
de este hogar
from this home
donde al fin
where, at last,
yo te pueda olvidar
I can forget you
Si nunca voy a verte
If I'll never see you
jamás te voy a olvidar
I will never forget you
Moderated by
Paula Torres
San José, Costa Rica
January 21, 2025
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