Era Cabrón El Viejo
Valentín ElizaldeLyrics
Venia bajando del cerro
He was coming down from the hill
En su cuaco cimarron
On his wild horse
Huyendo de aquel teniente
Running away from that lieutenant
Al frente del peloton
Leading the platoon
Lo que no sabian los guachos
What the guys didn't know
Es que el viejo era cabron
Is that the old man was a tough one
Paulino sembraba mota
Paulino was planting weed
En el barranco del cerro
In the ravine of the hill
Pero no se imaginaba
But he didn't imagine
Que alguin le pusiera el dedo
That someone would rat him out
Por eso los federales
That's why the federals
Lo traian al puro pelo
Had him by the hair
Les preparo la enboscada
He set up the ambush
A la orilla del camino
On the side of the road
Se puso dos pericazos
He had two grenades
Tambien un trago de vino
Also a sip of wine
Van a saber estos vatos
These guys are going to find out
Quien es el viejo paulino
Who old Paulino is
Se oye el trote de caballos
The trot of horses is heard
Por el cañon del olivo
Through the canyon of the olive tree
Paulino se la jugaba
Paulino took risks
Y siempre salia vivo
And always came out alive
Nomas jalo el llamadon
He just pulled the trigger
De su fiel cuerno de chivo
Of his faithful AK-47
Nomas me falta el soplon
All I need is the snitch
Para acabar de vengarme
To finish my revenge
Segun mi punto de vista
According to my point of view
Se me hace que es mi compadre
I think it's my buddy
Voy a buscarlo a su rancho
I'm going to look for him at his ranch
Para partirle su madre
To kick his ass
Habra muchas despedidas
There will be many farewells
Pero como esta ninguna
But like this one, none
Una dos tres cuatro cinco
One two three four five
Cinco cuatro tres dos una
Five four three two one
Siempre fue cabron paulino
Paulino was always a tough one
Desde que estuvo en la cuna.
Since he was in the cradle