Cuando Tu Cariño

Rigo Tovar
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Cuando mi cariño llegue hasta tu puerta déjalo pasar

When my affection reaches your door, let it in

Ven dale el consuelo de besar tu boca una noche mas

Come, give it the comfort of kissing your lips one more night

Dime que me quieres vuélveme a besar

Tell me that you love me, kiss me again

Y al calor de un beso tus ojos traviesos me veran llorar

And in the warmth of a kiss, your mischievous eyes will see me cry

y si en los jardines de tu pensamiento florece un rosal

And if in the gardens of your thoughts a rosebush blooms

Y al triste recuerdo de la noche aquella quieres retornar

And to the sad memory of that night, you want to return

Cuando mi cariño te mande buscar

When my affection sends for you

Yo estare contigo para darte abrigo y quererte mas

I will be with you to give you shelter and love you more

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina April 1, 2024
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