Si Te Preguntan

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Si te preguntan si soy inocente

If they ask you if I'm innocent

Diles que depende de cómo lo miren

Tell them it depends on how they look at it

Porque si el delito está en ser diferente

Because if the crime is being different

Declaro, culpable y que el caso termine

I declare guilty, and let the case end

Y yo que fui como un esquizo esquivando vasos

And I, who was like a schizophrenic, dodging glasses

Sonaba la canción que un día bailamos

The song we danced one day was playing

Y un par de besos

And a couple of kisses

Acompañaban ese baile improvisado

Accompanied that improvised dance

Diles que no entiendo nada

Tell them I don't understand anything

Parece que no se acaba este fin de semana

It seems that this weekend never ends

Dime si valgo la pena

Tell me if I'm worth it

Entre tantos colores y luces de pega

Among so many colors and fake lights

Si te preguntan, que si te quiero

If they ask you if I love you

Diles que ni te imaginas la cantidad

Tell them you can't even imagine the quantity

Si un día te quieres ir, pilla pa' dos el vuelo

If one day you want to leave, book a flight for two

Y sin avisos nos vamos de la ciudad

And without warning, we leave the city

Si te preguntan si soy cómo dicen

If they ask you if I'm like they say

Con mil cicatrices, llenitas de alcohol

With a thousand scars, full of alcohol

Diles que no todo es lo que parece

Tell them not everything is what it seems

Y que gracias a ti, ya no hay tanto dolor

And thanks to you, there's not so much pain

Y me han contado que el sábado pasado

And I've been told that last Saturday

Unos cuantos cantaron la canción que te escribí

A few sang the song I wrote for you

Y quiero que lo sepas por todas esas letras

And I want you to know it through all those lyrics

Que cuando alguien lo canta, te lo está cantando a ti

That when someone sings it, they're singing it to you

Si te preguntan qué si he llorando escribiendo

If they ask if I've cried while writing

Tú diles que por supuesto, sino, no sería yo

Tell them, of course, otherwise, it wouldn't be me

Aquí sabemos de ir con poco presupuesto

Here, we know how to go with a small budget

Pero transmitirlo tanto que subimos el valor

But to convey it so much that we raise the value

Si te preguntan, que si te quiero

If they ask you if I love you

Diles que ni te imaginas la cantidad

Tell them you can't even imagine the quantity

Si un día te quieres ir, pilla pa' dos el vuelo

If one day you want to leave, book a flight for two

Y sin avisos nos vamos de la ciudad

And without warning, we leave the city

Si te preguntan, que si te quiero

If they ask you if I love you

Diles que ni te imaginas la cantidad

Tell them you can't even imagine the quantity

Si un día te quieres ir, pilla pa' dos el vuelo

If one day you want to leave, book a flight for two

Y sin avisos nos vamos de la ciudad, ah

And without warning, we leave the city, ah

Moderated by Alejandro López
Madrid, España May 28, 2024
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