Contarás Conmigo

Patricio Manns
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You will always count on me

Cuando la lluvia te azote,

When the rain lashes at you,

Cuando te falte el abrigo.

When you lack warmth.

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You will always count on me

Cuando el camino oscurezca

When the path darkens

Y se te vuelva enemigo.

And becomes your enemy.

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You will always count on me

Si en el mar tu estrella guía

If in the sea your guiding star

Ciega su fulgor testigo.

Blinds its witnessing glow.

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You will always count on me

Si el día se halla distante

If the day seems distant

Y lejos el sol amigo.

And the friendly sun is far away.

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You will always count on me

Si la noche te amenaza

If the night threatens you

Yo iré contigo.

I will go with you.

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You will always count on me

Si secas tu cantimplora

If you dry your canteen

O acabas tu pan de trigo.

Or finish your wheat bread.

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You will always count on me:

Si la vida está en peligro

If life is in danger

Del peligro te desligo.

I release you from danger.

Moderated by Manuel González
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana July 21, 2024
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