La Reina de Uxmal

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Cuéntame porque oh reina de Uxmal

Tell me why, oh queen of Uxmal

Tus ojos verdes ven alguien más

Your green eyes see someone else

Creo que es mi culpa tu alejar

I think it's my fault that you're distant

Pues te canso mi inseguridad

Because my insecurity tires you

Me dijeron que él es mejor que yo mucho

They told me he is much better than I am

Mejor que todo mi amor una amiga tuya

Better than all my love, a friend of yours

Ya me contó que hasta te enseño a jugar domino

She already told me that he even taught you to play domino

Ven te doy la razón y pídeme

Come, I agree with you, and ask me

Un deseo reto a que no, no es mejor

A wish, I challenge you, no, he's not better

Y nadie duda como yo

And no one doubts like I do

Y cuéntame le dices que lo amas ya?

And tell me, do you tell him that you love him already?

Así como a mi o este es de verdad

Like you did to me, or is this one for real?

Cuéntame le diste sus besos ya?

Tell me, did you give him your kisses already?

Yo aun no olvido el cuarto de atrás

I still haven't forgotten the back room

Ven y cuenta hasta diez y pídeme un deseo

Come and count to ten and ask me a wish

Yo se que no es mejor no me gana en el temor

I know he's not better, he doesn't surpass me in fear

La carta que te di, no supe que paso

The letter I gave you, I don't know what happened

Mi corazón te di y ahora me siento menor

I gave you my heart, and now I feel smaller

No soy pro del rencor más si del pundonor

I'm not a pro at holding grudges, but I am at dignity

Regresa por favor

Come back, please

Ven te doy la razón y pídeme un deseo

Come, I agree with you, and ask me a wish

Yo se que no, no es mejor no me gana

I know he's not, he's not better, he doesn't defeat me in fear

En el temor, no es mejor, no es mejor

In fear, he's not better, he's not better

Pídeme un deseo no, no es mejor no es mejor

Ask me a wish, no, he's not better, he's not better

No te cuida como yo

He doesn't take care of you like I do

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela July 1, 2024
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