Los Amantes
Pancho BarrazaLyrics
Se acabo el amor y el sueno que le dio motivos a tu vida y que transformo tu alma de nina a mujer enamorada.
The love ended, and the dream that gave reasons to your life, transforming your soul from a girl to a woman in love.
Que te hizo llorar con desespero, pero te hizo feliz tan solo con verlo.
It made you cry with despair, but it made you happy just by seeing it.
Se acabo el amor que lastima ya no habra dolor, amor, ni nada. ni aquella emocion de esperarlo con el corazon en la mano.
The love is over, the hurt will no longer exist, love, nor anything. Nor that emotion of waiting with your heart in your hand.
Ya no volveras a llorar por el, ya no volveras a reir con el.
You will not cry for him again, you will not laugh with him again.
Pero nunca volveran a hacerte un dano, ya no te diran que vives pecando. dile a los demas que ya no soy tu amante
But they will never harm you again; they will not tell you that you live in sin. Tell others that I am no longer your lover.
Que por fin lograron separarte, pero diles tambien que te digan con quien podras encontrar el verdadero amor.
That they finally managed to separate us, but also tell them to inform you who you can find true love with.
Si tu amante fui yo perdoname mi amor, me voy pidiendo a dios que seas feliz...
If I was your lover, forgive me, my love. I leave, asking God that you be happy...
(cuanto dolor y cuanto sufrimiento y todo porque ellos dicen que estamos mal; que acaso ellos lloran por ti? ellos sufren por quien... por ti?
(So much pain and so much suffering, all because they say we are wrong; do they cry for you? Do they suffer for whom... for you?
Ellos ni siquieran sabran cuando tengas tus dias de soledad, ellos ni siquiera sabran el dia que moriras tu; excepto que por tradicion tengan que venir a llorar.
They won't even know when you have your days of loneliness. They won't even know the day you will die; unless, by tradition, they have to come to mourn.
Pedire a dios al fin y al cabo mi fe esta en dios.)
I will ask God in the end, after all, my faith is in God.)
Dile a los demas que ya no soy tu amante que por fin lograron separarte y nunca volveran a hacerte un dano.
Tell others that I am no longer your lover, that they finally managed to separate us, and they will never harm you again.
Yo donde tu estes te amo mas
Wherever you are, I love you more.