Raza De Traidores

Nepal (Argentina)
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¡Voy a matar! Es difícil responder

I'm going to kill! It's hard to answer

Y volver a jurar, hoy ya nada creo

And swear again, today I believe in nothing

Más atrás veo la realidad, todos son culpables

Further back, I see reality, everyone is guilty

Por esta vez me perseguirán sus almas despreciables

This time, their despicable souls will chase me

Tratarán de suponer que todo está muy bien

They'll try to assume that everything is fine

Compasivos y fraternos, casi humanitarios

Compassionate and fraternal, almost humanitarian

Hechos imborrables que no puedo contener

Unforgettable deeds that I can't contain

Ningún responsable que rasgue sus vestiduras

No one responsible tearing their garments

Hoy me condena su miserable sociedad

Today, their miserable society condemns me

Ya sus vientres inflaman de odio

Their bellies already inflamed with hatred

Y negocian mi integridad

And they negotiate my integrity

Otros pueblos se resisten

Other peoples resist

A su historia de dolor

Their history of pain

Microscópicos gusanos

Microscopic worms

Que una brizna no alzarían

That wouldn't lift a blade of grass

Y al sol mismo le dirían

And they would tell the sun itself

Que lo incendian con sus manos

That they set it on fire with their hands

Hartos de robar a su manera

Tired of stealing in their own way

Este es el país que no condena

This is the country that doesn't condemn

Hartos de robar llenos de ambición

Tired of stealing, full of ambition

Masa humana, plebe impura

Human mass, impure plebs

Guardarán aquella su fortuna

They will keep their fortune

De sus héroes y toda esa basura

From their heroes and all that garbage

Que destroza su misión

That destroys their mission

¡Voy a matar! Es difícil responder

I'm going to kill! It's hard to answer

Y volver a jurar, hoy ya nada creo

And swear again, today I believe in nothing

Más atrás veo la realidad, todos son culpables

Further back, I see reality, everyone is guilty

Por esta vez me perseguirán almas despreciables

This time, despicable souls will chase me

Moderated by Marina Morales
Managua, Nicaragua October 19, 2024
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