Bala Perdida
Miguel Aceves MejíaLyrics
No es que no te quiera si ya no te sigo besando.
I'm not not wanting you if I no longer keep kissing you.
La cruz no pesa lo que cala
The cross is not heavy, it's what penetrates.
Son los filos, cariño santo
It's the edges, holy darling.
Cariño santo, yo no te dejo
Holy darling, I won't leave you.
Ni aunque me griten, ni aunque me griten
Not even if they shout at me, not even if they shout at me.
Que ya me estás, que ya me estás
That you're already mine, that you're already mine.
Que ya me estás acabando.
That you're already finishing me.
Las balas perdidas pegaron siempre en mi pecho.
Stray bullets always hit my chest.
Pero tus besos me inyectaron
But your kisses injected me
Nueva vida, bala perdida
New life, stray bullet.
Bala perdida bien haya el mauser
Lost bullet, blessed be the Mauser
Que te ha tronado, que te ha tronado
That thundered at you, that thundered at you.
Para acabar, para acabar
To end, to end.
Para acabar con mi vida.
To end my life.
Cuatro despedidas las tengo para tí escritas.
Four goodbyes I have written for you.
Y ahí te las dejo pa' que llores
And there I leave them for you to cry
Cuando te diga bala perdida
When I tell you, lost bullet.
Bala perdida y a mano estamos
Lost bullet, and we're even.
Y aquí murió, y aquí murió
And here it died, and here it died.
Y adiós, adiós, y adiós, adiós
And goodbye, goodbye, and goodbye, goodbye.
Que tengas suerte en tu vida.
Good luck in your life.