Se Mueven

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Como el agua surca el rio

As the water runs through the river

El hombre camina su tierra.

Man walks his land

Como la presa rompe el río

Like the dam breaks the river

Las fronteras rompen caminos.

Borders break paths

Norte y sur, principio y final

North and south, beginning and end

Todo es un círculo ay que vuelve a empezar.

Everything is a circle that starts again

Aire fresco en tu mente conocer a nueva gente

Fresh air in your mind, meeting new people

Son cosas que tú, tú y tú no nos podeis negar.

These are things that you, you, and you can't deny us

Como los pajaros mueven

Like birds migrate, they move

Los hombres semillan. mueven

People sow, they move

El caminero no entiende (se mueven)

The wanderer doesn't understand (they move)

Ni el que se busca la vida (mueven)

Not even the one searching for a living (they move)

Los pasos se guían (se mueven)

Steps are guided (they move)

Por caminos sin vías (mueven)

Along pathless roads (they move)

Que cada cual decida (se mueven)

Let each one decide (they move)

Su giratutto en la vida (mueven)

Their spin in life (they move)

A contracorriente siempre en la pendiente.

Against the current, always on the slope

Siempre en la trinchera los que no llevan papela.

Always in the trench, those without papers

No le habían contado le dice el estado al buscado.

They hadn't told him, the state tells the sought

Sobran sus palabras ensuciadas, sobran sus discursos de papel

His words are unnecessary, his speeches of paper are unnecessary

Leyes en un círculo vicioso, torre de babel.

Laws in a vicious circle, tower of Babel

Sin trabajo no hay papela, sin papela nadie en su piel

No work, no papers, without papers, no one in their skin

Pieles que pisan a otras, esto no va bien

Skins that step on others, this is not going well

We come and come and come with the movement.

We come and come and come with the movement

We cme and come with the movement.

We come and come with the movement

Pero cada pisada deja siempre una huella.

But each step always leaves a mark

We come and come and come with the movement.

We come and come and come with the movement

We cme and come with the movement.

We come and come with the movement

Pero cada huella lleva una historia con ella.

But each mark carries a story with it

No nos pueden negar que nos dieron piernas pa caminar.

They can't deny that they gave us legs to walk

No cortes el río, vamos, agarra el cauce con desvío, déjalo remar.

Don't cut the river, come on, grab the course with a detour, let it row

No nos pueden negar que nos dieron piernas pa caminar.

They can't deny that they gave us legs to walk

Y sin peaje y sin equipaje. brujula pallá brujula no va tus pasos guía.

And without toll and without baggage, compass forward, compass doesn't guide your steps

No nos pueden negar que nos dieron piernas pa caminar.

They can't deny that they gave us legs to walk

Mueve pero mira mueve shake shake the world

Move but look, move, shake shake the world

No nos pueden negar que nos dieron piernas pa caminar.

They can't deny that they gave us legs to walk

Caminero traveling man caminero sin puerto ni paradero.

Wanderer, traveling man, wanderer with no port or destination

Moderated by Carmen Navarro
Havana, Cuba September 26, 2024
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