Yo Quiero Ser Un Adorador

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Yo quiero ser

I want to be

Un adorador

A worshiper

Conforme a Tu corazón

According to Your heart

En la aflicción

In affliction

Seguiré adorando

I will continue worshiping

En el momento de prueba

In the moment of trial

Seguiré adorando

I will continue worshiping

Te seguiré adorando

I will keep worshiping You

Aunque me falten las fuerzas

Even if I lack strength

Te seguiré adorando

I will keep worshiping You

Aunque me sienta afligido

Even if I feel afflicted

Te seguiré adorando

I will keep worshiping You

Te seguiré adorando

I will keep worshiping You

Moderated by Diego Martín
Caracas, Venezuela June 18, 2024
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