Mi Personulidad

Love of Lesbian
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Apaga las luces, no soporto que me veas llorar

Turn off the lights, I can't stand you seeing me cry

porque has insinuado que me falta dignidad.

Because you've implied that I lack dignity.

A escondidas busco otro disfraz

Secretly I search for another disguise

y mil posturas que ensayar.

And a thousand poses to rehearse.

Estás tan frío

You're so cold

y cada vez que cedo tú ...

And every time I give in, you...

... olvidas que caíste,

...forget that you fell,

y ahora es imposible deshacer lo que me hiciste.

And now it's impossible to undo what you did to me.

Y ahora qué piensas hacer,

And now what do you plan to do,

soy nulo y tú distante, y ya nada es como antes.

I'm null and you're distant, and nothing is as it was before.

He malvendido mi identidad,

I've undersold my identity,

quién va a humillarse con mi intensidad.

Who will humiliate themselves with my intensity?

Pienso llamarla y explicarle algunas cosas

I'm thinking of calling her and explaining a few things

como cuando te arrastrabas suplicándome ir al cine.

Like when you used to beg crawling to go to the movies with me.

Olvidas que caíste,

Forget that you fell,

y ahora es imposible deshacer lo que me hiciste.

And now it's impossible to undo what you did to me.

Y ahora qué piensas hacer,

And now what do you plan to do,

soy nulo y tú distante, y ya nada es como antes.

I'm null and you're distant, and nothing is as it was before.

Ve con cuidado cuando dobles las esquinas,

Be careful when you turn the corners,

voy a armarte un drama inmenso,

I'll create a huge drama for you,

nadie más, nadie más, nadie más besará your lips.

No one else, no one else, no one else will kiss your lips.

Moderated by Ana Martínez
Santiago, Chile February 27, 2025
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