El águila blanca
Los Tucanes de TijuanaLyrics
Judiciales a la vista
Judicials in sight
Claven todo y relajados
Nail everything down and stay relaxed
Si preguntan yo contesto
If they ask, I'll answer
Ustedes son mis empleados
You are my employees
Si hayan algo no se asusten
If they find something, don't be scared
Estamos apalabrados
We have an understanding
Al caer en el reten
Upon reaching the checkpoint
Los agentes preguntaron
The agents asked
A que se dedican compas
What do you guys do?
Trabajamos de empresarios
We work as entrepreneurs
Tienen finta de mañosos
You seem like tricky ones
Bajensen pa revisarlos
Get down for a search
Les hayaron un papel
They found a paper
Y una bolsita manchada
And a stained little bag
Les preguntaron que esto
They asked what this is
Contestaron de volada
We answered right away
Ya con eso descubrieron
With that, they discovered
Que la troca iba cargada
That the truck was loaded
Al quererlos esposar
When they tried to handcuff them
Dijo el que iba manejando
The one driving said
Mire señor oficial
Look, Mr. Officer
Mejor vamos areglando
We better settle this
Por que si hago una llamada
Because if I make a call
Se van a quedar mirando
You'll be left staring
Mire señor empresario
Look, Mr. Entrepreneur
Se les acabo el corrido
Your corrido has ended
Quiero el nombre de la empresa
I want the name of the company
A la que han pertenecido
To which you've belonged
Si señor con mucho gusto
Yes, sir, with pleasure
Se llama viajes carrillo
It's called Carrillo Travel
Para que tanto relajo
Why so much hassle?
Por que no habian avisado
Why didn't you inform?
Dejenme la contraseña
Give me the password
Y vayanse con cuidado
And leave carefully
Diganle al aguila blanca
Tell the white eagle
Que ojalá y viva cien años
That I hope it lives a hundred years