El Gato Felix
Los Tigres del NorteLyrics
Voy a cantar un corrido,
I'm going to sing a corrido,
de alguien que yo conocí...
of someone I knew...
Periodista distinguido,
A distinguished journalist,
por su pluma era temido,
feared for his pen,
desde Tijuana a Madrid.
from Tijuana to Madrid.
Le decían el Gato Félix,
They called him Gato Félix,
porque se le oia decir,
because he was heard saying,
que era como los felinos,
that he was like the felines,
que tenía siete destinos,
that he had seven destinies,
y los tenía que cumplir.
and he had to fulfill them.
Llegó de Choix, Sinaloa,
He came from Choix, Sinaloa,
que era su tierra natal,
which was his native land,
pero se quedó en Tijuana,
but he stayed in Tijuana,
porque le pegó la gana,
because he felt like it,
y en algo quiso ayudar.
and wanted to help in something.
Con lo que escribía en el diario,
With what he wrote in the newspaper,
al gobierno hizo temblar,
he made the government tremble,
se acabó el ABCdiario,
the ABC newspaper ended,
de amenazas un rosario,
a rosary of threats,
la ZETA hizo popular.
made ZETA popular.
Con una pluma valiente,
With a brave pen,
señaló la corrupción,
he pointed out corruption,
ayudó siempre a la gente,
he always helped the people,
y más de Dos Presidentes,
and more than two presidents,
le prestaron atención.
paid attention to him.
De una forma traicionera,
In a treacherous way,
le llegó al Gato el final,
the end came for Gato,
de una vez y de a deveras,
once and for all,
en caballo de carreras,
on a racehorse,
la muerte corrió a ganar.
death ran to win.
Ya se murió el Gato Félix,
Gato Félix is already dead,
ya lo llevan a enterrar,
they're already taking him to bury,
será uno más en la lista,
he will be one more on the list,
de valientes periodistas,
of brave journalists,
que así han querido callar.
whom they have wanted to silence like this.
A: Héctor Félix Miranda,
To: Héctor Félix Miranda,
te dedico mi cantar,
I dedicate my song to you,
pero no tengas pendiente,
but don't worry,
ya anda por hay el valiente,
the brave one is already around,
que ocupará tu lugar.
who will take your place.