Cuidate Del Mundo Los Gardelitos
Los GardelitosLyrics
Cuídate de que el mundo no te destruya
Take care that the world doesn't destroy you
Cuida bien tu mente de las propagandas
Take good care of your mind from the advertisements
Cuida bien tus manos que son la tierra
Take good care of your hands, they are the earth
Cuida bien tus hijos que son el tiempo
Take good care of your children, they are the future
Cuida tu mujer, y a tus amigos
Take care of your woman, and your friends
Cuida tu jardin de las hormigas
Take care of your garden from the ants
Cuida bien los sueños, que te sostienen
Take good care of your dreams, they support you
Cuida bien tu alma, amando siempre
Take good care of your soul, always loving
Cuidate de tu propia sabiduría
Take care of your own wisdom
Cuidate del viento, a mucha altura
Take care from the wind, at great heights
Cuida tu cabeza, de la locura
Take care of your head, from madness
Cuida bien tus alas de la policia nene
Take good care of your wings from the police, kid
Cuida tu silencio, de tus palabras
Take care of your silence from your words
No me hablés de cosas en las que no crees
Don't talk to me about things you don't believe in
Pero no me ocultes tus pensamientos
But don't hide your thoughts from me
No escuchés la banda que está de moda
Don't listen to the band that's in vogue
No busqués en libros lo que no ves
Don't search in books for what you don't see
No creas en líderes ni en profetas
Don't believe in leaders or prophets
Y no te arrepientas de lo que has vivido
And don't regret what you have lived
Guarda una esperanza para tu destino
Keep a hope for your destiny
Sigue tu camino sin mirar a otros
Follow your path without looking at others
Si te gusta la música no te reprimas
If you like music, don't restrain yourself
Toca solo lo que dice tu corazón
Play only what your heart says
Pero nunca toques para estar de moda
But never play just to be in fashion