Ansiedad Vol. 3

Liz Forte
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Levántate ducha y café

Get up, shower and coffee

Sorpresa lunes otra vez

Surprise, Monday again

Tienes que sudar

You have to sweat

Porque tienes que currar

Because you have to work

Porque tienes que ganar pa pagar

Because you have to earn to pay

No se que pa' encajar yo que se

I don't know what to fit, I don't know

Solo se que pa esto no hay cura

I only know that there is no cure for this

Que agota y satura

It exhausts and saturates

Me pasa factura

It bills me

Ya no hay cobertura, la muerte es segura

There is no coverage anymore, death is certain

Mm. De la vida a veces tengo dudas

Mm. Sometimes I have doubts about life

Dime tu quien te asegura

Tell me, who assures you

Que vas a estar a la altura

That you will measure up

Cuando no tengas a nadie cuando nadie te da ayuda

When you have no one when no one helps you

Párate, párate y madura que no va pa tras' cada vez más dura

Stop, stop and mature because it doesn't go back, it gets tougher every time

Desde que naces hasta que te arrugas

From the moment you are born until you wrinkle

Lo malo rápido y lo bueno tortuga, ansiedad tortura

The bad is fast, and the good is a turtle, anxiety tortures

Y Dios ayuda al que madruga pero justo en tu caso se la suda

And God helps those who rise early, but in your case, he doesn't care

Date prisa llegas tarde

Hurry up, you're late

No hay excusas que contarte

No excuses to tell you

Tienes que correr

You have to run

Porque tienes que llegar

Because you have to arrive

Porque tienes que coger ese bus o ese tren y ya vas que no ves

Because you have to catch that bus or that train, and you're already not seeing

Solo oyes a esa voz gritarte que no es bastante con esforzarse

You only hear that voice shouting that it's not enough to make an effort

Que no eres libre en ninguna parte

That you're not free anywhere

Que la vida va dos pasos por delante

That life is two steps ahead

Que la mitad no razona

That half of it doesn't reason

Y la otra mitad no perdona

And the other half doesn't forgive

Que si vale mucho duele y quien te quiere no abandona

That if it's worth a lot, it hurts, and those who love you don't abandon you

Espérate, espérate y reacciona

Wait, wait and react

Tienes que cambiar lo que no funciona

You have to change what doesn't work

Hay que dejar atrás al que te traiciona

You have to leave behind those who betray you

Lo bueno se acaba y lo malo obsesiona

The good ends, and the bad obsesses

Ansiedad presiona y

Anxiety presses, and

Dios perdona al que reflexiona pero en tu caso piensa que te jodan

God forgives those who reflect, but in your case, think that they can go to hell

(Levántate ducha y cafe, sorpresa lunes otra vez)

(Get up, shower and coffee, surprise, Monday again)

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina March 20, 2024
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