Leo MattioliLyrics
Delante de los chicos disimula, no tienen que saber de nuestra guerra.
In front of the kids, pretend, they don't need to know about our war.
Delante de los chicos no demuestres la bronca y el desprecio que me sientes.
In front of the kids, don't show the anger and contempt you feel towards me.
Por ellos disimula que aún me quieres y que seguimos siendo una pareja.
For them, pretend that you still love me and that we are still a couple.
Por ellos no me llenes de vergüenza. Pues esto ha fracasado por mi culpa.
For them, don't shame me. Because this has failed because of my fault.
Disimula, di que duermes conmigo, que no sepan la verdad que otra mujer
Pretend, say that you sleep with me, so they don't know the truth, that another woman
yo he querido. Disimula, hazlo solo por ellos y que vean de los dos
I have wanted. Pretend, do it only for them, and let them see the most beautiful moments of both of us.
los momentos más bellos.
Disguise it, let them see the most beautiful moments of both of us.