Algo Personal
Joan Manuel SerratLyrics
Probablemente en su pueblo se les recordará como cachorros de buenas personas, que hurtaban flores para regalar a su mamá y daban de comer a las palomas
Probably in their town, they will be remembered as good-natured kids who stole flowers to give to their mom and fed the pigeons
Probablemente que todo eso debe ser verdad, aunque es más turbio cómo y de qué manera llegaron esos individuos a ser lo que son ni a quién sirven cuando alzan las banderas
Probably all that must be true, although it's darker how and in what way those individuals became what they are and to whom they serve when they raise their flags
Hombres de paja que usan la colonia y el honor para ocultar oscuras intenciones: tienen doble vida, son sicarios del mal
Straw men who use cologne and honor to hide dark intentions: they lead a double life, they are henchmen of evil
Entre esos tipos y yo hay algo personal
Between those guys and me, there's something personal
Rodeados de protocolo, comitiva y seguridad, viajan de incógnito en autos blindados a sembrar calumnias, a mentir con naturalidad, a colgar en las escuelas su retrato
Surrounded by protocol, entourage, and security, they travel incognito in armored cars to sow slander, to lie with ease, to hang their portrait in schools
Se gastan más de lo que tienen en coleccionar espías, listas negras y arsenales
They spend more than they have on collecting spies, blacklists, and arsenals
Resulta bochornoso verles fanfarronear a ver quién es el que la tiene más grande
It's embarrassing to see them boast about who has the biggest one
Se arman hasta los dientes en el nombre de la paz, juegan con cosas que no tienen repuesto y la culpa es del otro si algo les sale mal
They arm themselves to the teeth in the name of peace, play with things that have no spare parts, and it's the other's fault if something goes wrong
Entre esos tipos y yo hay algo personal
Between those guys and me, there's something personal
Y como quien en la cosa, nada tiene que perder
And like someone with nothing to lose
Pulsan la alarma y rompen las promesas y en nombre de quien no tienen el gusto de conocer nos ponen la pistola en la cabeza
They sound the alarm and break promises, and in the name of someone they don't have the pleasure of knowing, they put a gun to our heads
Se agarran de los pelos, pero para no ensuciar van a cagar a casa de otra gente y experimentan nuevos métodos de masacrar, sofisticados y a la vez convincentes
They grab each other by the hair, but to avoid getting dirty, they go to other people's houses to defecate and experiment with new methods of massacre, sophisticated and convincing at the same time
No conocen ni a su padre cuando pierden el control, ni recuerdan que en el mundo hay niños
They don't recognize their own father when they lose control, nor do they remember that there are children in the world
Nos niegan a todos el pan y la sal
They deny bread and salt to all of us
Entre esos tipos y yo hay algo personal
Between those guys and me, there's something personal
Pero, eso sí, los sicarios no pierden ocasión de declarar públicamente su empeño en propiciar un diálogo de franca distensión
But, yes, the henchmen never miss the opportunity to publicly declare their commitment to promoting a dialogue of frank détente
Que les permita hallar un marco previo que garantice unas premisas mínimas que faciliten crear los resortes que impulsen un punto de partida sólido y capaz de este a oeste y de sur a norte
That allows them to find a preliminary framework that guarantees minimal premises to facilitate the creation of the springs that drive a solid starting point capable of going from east to west and from south to north
Donde establecer las bases de un tratado de amistad que contribuya a poner los cimientos de una plataforma donde edificar un hermoso futuro de amor y paz
Where to establish the foundations of a friendship treaty that contributes to laying the groundwork for a platform where to build a beautiful future of love and peace