Muriendo De Frio

Guardianes Del Amor
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Ya no me cuentas de tus cosas

You no longer tell me about your things

Ya no me inclulles en tus planes

You no longer include me in your plans

Ya no te importa si te digo

You no longer care if I tell you

Que por las noches tengo frio

That at night I feel cold

Ya no te asombran mis detalles

My gestures no longer amaze you

Ya no me besas por las calles

You no longer kiss me on the streets

Ya no me tomas de la mano

You no longer hold my hand

Se te olvido decir te amo

You forgot to say "I love you"

Dime si alguien me a robado tu amor

Tell me if someone has stolen your love from me

Dime que paso amor mio

Tell me what happened, my love

Para mereser tu olvido

To deserve your forgetting

Carino como duele saber

Darling, how it hurts to know

Que el amor se me fue

That love has left me

Que se marcha contigo

That it's leaving with you

Carino como cuesta aceptar

Darling, how hard it is to accept

Esta cruel realidad

This cruel reality

De sentirme perdido

To feel lost

Carino como duele saber

Darling, how it hurts to know

Que te as ido

That you've gone

Por que aun que tu estes con migo

Because even if you're with me

Sin tu amor me estoy muriendo de frio

Without your love, I'm dying of cold

Tu corazon ya no es tan grande

Your heart isn't as generous anymore

Ya se olvido de cobijarme

It forgot to shelter me

Ya no le importa si le digo

It no longer cares if I tell it

Que por las noches tengo frio

That at night I feel cold

Dime si alguien me a robado tu amor

Tell me if someone has stolen your love from me

Dime que paso amor mio

Tell me what happened, my love

Para mereser tu olvido

To deserve your forgetting

Carino como duele saber

Darling, how it hurts to know

Que el amor se me fue

That love has left me

Que se marcha contigo

That it's leaving with you

Carino como cuesta aceptar

Darling, how hard it is to accept

Esta cruel realidad

This cruel reality

De sentirme perdido

To feel lost

Ah ah ah

Ah ah ah

Carino como duele saber

Darling, how it hurts to know

Que el amor se me fue

That love has left me

Que se marcha contigo

That it's leaving with you

Carino como duele saber que te as ido

Darling, how it hurts to know that you're gone

Por que aun que tu estes con migo

Because even if you're with me

Sin tu amor me estoy muriendo de frio

Without your love, I'm dying of cold

Moderated by Gabriela Castillo
Panama City, Panama August 1, 2024
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