Dios Te Va a Mandar Un Castigo
Enrique MorenteLyrics
No niego que te he querido
I don't deny that I have loved you
Pero en el alma me pesa
But in my soul, it weighs on me
Por tus acciones
Because of your actions
El haberte conocido
Having known you
Por verte dinero daba
I would give money to see you
Y ahora por no mirarte
And now, to avoid looking at you
Primita vuelvo la cara
Cousin, I turn my face away
A ti Dios te va a mandar un castigo
God is going to send you a punishment
Y es porque tu te lo mereces
And it's because you deserve it
Porque me vienes culpando
Because you keep blaming me
Y yo culpa no tengo
And I am not at fault
Si de ti habla la gente
If people talk about you
Moderated by
Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 23, 2025
Chala Head Chala
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