El Pastor
Aida CuevasLyrics
Va el pastor con su rebaño
The shepherd goes with his flock
Al despuntar la mañana
As the morning breaks
Bajando por el sendero
Descending along the path
De la sierra a la pradera
From the mountain to the meadow
Va musitando sus penas
He murmurs his sorrows
Con su flautin de cañizo
With his little reed flute
Seguido por sus ovejas
Followed by his sheep
Como si fuera un hechizo
As if under a spell
El flautin del pastor
The shepherd's little flute
Al ariar canta así
Sings like this in the dawn
El pastor ya va de vuelta
The shepherd is now returning
Pues el sol se está ocualtando
Since the sun is setting
Va subiendo por la cuesta
He climbs up the slope
Para guardar su rebaño
To guard his flock
Con su flautin va llamando
With his little flute, he calls
Una a una a sus ovejas
One by one, his sheep
Y les va comunicando
And he communicates to them
Sus voces y sus tristezas
Their voices and their sorrows