Al Que Murio
Miel San MarcosLyrics
Estamos reunidos
We are gathered
Ante el trono
Before the throne
Para adorarte
To worship you
Toda lengua
Every tongue
Hoy confiesa
Today confesses
Que solo tu,
That only you,
Tu eres digno
You are worthy
Nos postramos,
We bow down,
Nos rendimos
We surrender
Todos unidos,
All together,
Cantamos a una voz
We sing with one voice
Al que murio pero resucito
To the one who died but rose again
Al que vencio y se levanto
To the one who conquered and rose up
Al que vive y pronto volvera
To the one who lives and will soon return
Sea la gloria la honra y el poder
May glory, honor, and power be
Moderated by
Javier Sánchez
Bogotá, Colombia
January 23, 2025
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