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El Trono De Mexico
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¿y como le digo a mi corazon?

And how do I tell my heart?

Le dije a mi corazon

I told my heart

Que tu me llamas

That you're calling me

Le dije que vives tan

I told it that you live so



Y me contesto llorando

And it answered me crying

Que no estas viendo la herida

That you're not seeing the wound

Que no he podido sanar despues de tantos dias

That I haven't been able to heal after so many days

Le dije a mi corazon que me haz buscado

I told my heart that you have sought me

Le dije que tal vez pronto voy a verte

I told it that maybe I'll see you soon

Se enojo y me dijo tonto

It got angry and told me, fool

Como voy a convenserte

How am I going to convince you

Que ese amor no vale nada no vayas detente

That this love is worth nothing, don't go, stop

Y como le digo a mi corazon

And how do I tell my heart

Que extraño la miel de tus besos

That I miss the honey of your kisses

Que tu piel desnunda es mi tentación

That your naked skin is my temptation

De aquellos labios traviesos

From those mischievous lips

Me están matando

They are killing me

Mis sentimientos encontrados

My conflicting feelings

Y como hacerle entender a este corazon que no puedo vivir sin ti?

And how do I make this heart understand that I can't live without you?

El trono de mexico oraaaa

The throne of Mexico, oh

Le dije a mi corazon que me haz buscado

I told my heart that you have sought me

Le dije que tal vez pronto voy a verte

I told it that maybe I'll see you soon

Se enojo y me dijo tonto

It got angry and told me, fool

Como voy a convenserte

How am I going to convince you

Que ese amor no vale nada no vayas detente

That this love is worth nothing, don't go, stop

Y como le digo a mi corazon

And how do I tell my heart

Que cada amanecer es duro

That every dawn is tough

Al saberte lejos pierdo la razon

Knowing you're far, I lose my mind

Y ya no aguanto lo juro

And I can't bear it anymore, I swear

Me están matando

They are killing me

Mis sentimientos encontrados

My conflicting feelings

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico September 25, 2024
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