El Cuarteto de NosLyrics
Sanitario sanitario sanitario
Toilet, toilet, toilet
Prestame tu sopapa
Lend me your plunger
Que están todos mis caños
Because all my pipes
Tapaditos de caca
Are clogged with poop
Y dicen que es una papa
And they say it's a breeze
Destaparlos con sopapa
To unclog them with a plunger
Cajero cajero cajero cajerò
Prestame un poco'e guita
Lend me a little cash
Porque se recalienta
Because it heats up
Con eso una minita
With that, a girl
Que dice que se excita
Who says she gets excited
Se excita de ver guita
Gets excited seeing cash
Chapista chapista chapista chapistà
Auto mechanic, auto mechanic, auto mechanic, auto mechanic
Prestame tu solplete
Lend me your blowtorch
Que cagaron mi auto
Because they messed up my car
Con miles de soretes
With thousands of pieces of shit
Y queda de rechupete
And it looks awesome
Pintarlo con soplete
Painting it with a blowtorch
Enfermero enfermero enfermero enfermerò
Nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse
Prestame un poco'e gasa
Lend me some gauze
Que tengo una minita
Because I have a girl
Que llevé pa las casa
That I brought home
Y entonces lo que pasa
And then what happens
Que ella quiere ver gasa.
Is that she wants to see gauze
Pizzero pizzero pizzero pizzeró
Pizza maker, pizza maker, pizza maker, pizza maker
Prestame ahora tu pala
Lend me your shovel now
Que tengo un problemita
Because I have a little problem
Porque no se me para
Because it won't stand up for me
Y si no anda la bala
And if the bullet doesn't work
Lo arreglo meta pala
I'll fix it with a shovel