El Gato Viudo

Chava Flores
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Cuando la luna se pone regrandota

When the moon becomes very big

Como una pelotota y alumbra el callejón

Like a big ball and illuminates the alley

Se oye el maullido del triste gato viudo

You hear the meowing of the sad widowed cat

Y su lomo peludo se eriza con horror

And its hairy back stands up with horror

Pero no falta quien mande un zapatazo

But there is always someone who throws a shoe

Que salga hecho balazo a quitarle lo chillón

That goes out like a shot to shut him up

Y en el alero del místico tejado

And on the eave of the mystical roof

El gato se ha quejado cantando esta canción

The cat has complained singing this song



Para curar mi mal de amores

To cure my love sickness

Dijeron los doitores que no había salvación

The doctors said there was no salvation

Ora me dicen gato viudo

Now they call me the widowed cat

Porque una gata pudo quitarme lo chiquión

Because a female cat was able to take away my little one

Antes sacaba del mandado

Before, I would get from the errands

Me daba pa´ mi helado, mi cine y mi jurbol

I would get it for my ice cream, my movie, and my soccer ball

Ora con lo que me ha pasado

Now with what has happened to me

Me tiene más enfriado que un hielo de jaibol

I'm colder than a popsicle

Con esta triste y maullida serenata

With this sad and meowing serenade

La noche es una lata, no duerme el más gallón

The night is a bother, the bravest don't sleep

Salió una vieja con cuetes, crema y bata

An old lady came out with fireworks, cream, and a robe

Y le pidió a la gata tuviera compasión

And asked the cat to have compassion

Pero la indina se hace la remolona

But the lady pretends to be shy

Pos' dice la patrona que ya no dé jalón

Well, the landlady says not to pull anymore

El pobre gato está pagando el pato

The poor cat is paying the price

Allá va otro zapato y allá va otra canción

There goes another shoe and there goes another song



Para curar mi mal de amores

To cure my love sickness

Dijeron los doitores que no había salvación

The doctors said there was no salvation

Ora me dicen gato viudo

Now they call me the widowed cat

Porque una gata pudo quitarme lo chiquión

Because a female cat was able to take away my little one

Antes sacaba del mandado

Before, I would get from the errands

Me daba pa´ mi helado, mi cine y mi jurbol

I would get it for my ice cream, my movie, and my soccer ball

Ora con lo que me ha pasado

Now with what has happened to me

Me tiene más enfriado que un hielo de jaibol

I'm colder than a popsicle

Moderated by Paula Torres
San José, Costa Rica August 23, 2024
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