Piano Bar
Charly GarcíaLyrics
Rubias de New York
Blondes from New York
Fantasmas de percal
Phantom calico ghosts
Presten atención, se ha abierto un piano bar
Pay attention, a piano bar has opened
Cerca del cabaret
Close to the cabaret
¿Será que nací en el sur?
Could it be that I was born in the south?
¿Será que encendí la luz de tu amor?
Could it be that I turned on the light of your love?
Viudas de Nerón, amantes de Gardel
Nero's widows, Gardel's lovers
Suena un bandoneón, cerca del cabaret
A bandoneón sounds, close to the cabaret
¿Será que nací en el sur?
Could it be that I was born in the south?
¿Será que encendí la luz de tu amor?
Could it be that I turned on the light of your love?
Las chicas tienen un lugar
The girls have a place
Donde viven esas cosas que asombran
Where those amazing things live
Los chicos tienen un lugar donde ir a conversar
The boys have a place to go talk
Usa tu rubor, escoge tu disfraz
Use your blush, choose your disguise
Plumas de gorrión, sonrisas de zorzal
Sparrow feathers, thrush smiles
Coloca vitrina al sur
Place a showcase to the south
Reloca titila luz, la ciudad
Move, flicker, light up the city