Eres Total
Carlos RiveraLyrics
El amor
Que tu me das a mi
That you give to me
Me va no es normal
It goes beyond normal
No tiene fronteras
It has no borders
Es llorar, reir, sufrir gozar
It's crying, laughing, suffering, enjoying
Odiar volver a amar
Hating, falling in love again
Siempre que me quieras
Whenever you want me
Y tu mi amor mi fe mi luz mi ley
And you, my love, my faith, my light, my law
Mi noche mi madrugada
My night, my dawn
Y es que ya soy tuy tu eres yo
And now I am yours, you are mine
Eres total mi amada
You are total, my beloved
Es que tu amor es dulce amargo
Because your love is sweet and bitter
Luna y sol
Moon and sun
Es guerra y paz
It's war and peace
Y en la tregua amamos
And in the truce, we love
En tu cuerpo vivo
In your body, I live
De tus labios bebo
I drink from your lips
Y en tu vientre siempre nos quedamos
And in your womb, we always stay
Y tu mi amor mi fe mi luz mi ley
And you, my love, my faith, my light, my law
Mi noche mi madrugada
My night, my dawn
Y es que ya soy tu y tu eres yo
And now I am yours, and you are mine
Eres total mi amada
You are total, my beloved
Tu y yo
You and I
No somos ya tu y yo
We are no longer you and I
Somos la mezcla de los dos
We are the mixture of the two
Alma con alma
Soul with soul
Y tu mi amor mi fe mi luz mi ley
And you, my love, my faith, my light, my law
Mi noche mi madrugada
My night, my dawn
Y es que ya soy tu y tu eres yo
And now I am yours, and you are mine
Eres total mi amada
You are total, my beloved
Eres total mi amada
You are total, my beloved