Plumas de Nácar

Blanca Paloma
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Que por tener no tengo una aceituna

That for having, I don't have a single olive

Pero te canto, niño, como ninguna

But I sing to you, child, like no one else

Que por tener tú tienes dos cada luna

That for having, you have two with each moon

Si no las pierdes ambas aún queda una

If you don't lose both, there's still one left



Te he abrazado a la vida, bebes mi canto

I have embraced you in life; you drink my song

Absorto, remolino de risa y llanto

Absorbed, a whirlwind of laughter and tears

Oliendo a primavera y entre los huertos

Smelling of spring and among the orchards

Se convierten en verdes tus ojos negros

Your black eyes turn green

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Mirando al cielo, salve, paloma loca

Looking at the sky, hail, crazy dove

Prende el vuelo

Take flight

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Mirando al cielo, salve, paloma loca

Looking at the sky, hail, crazy dove

Prende el vuelo

Take flight

Huida la tormenta, nido vacío

The storm has fled, an empty nest

No es falta de cariño, el mundo es mío

It's not lack of affection; the world is mine

Somos tan parecidos y diferentes

We are so similar and different

Unos miran de lado y otros de frente

Some look sideways, and others straight ahead

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Mirando al cielo, salve, paloma loca

Looking at the sky, hail, crazy dove

Prende el vuelo

Take flight

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Con las plumas de nácar

With mother-of-pearl feathers

Mirando al cielo, salve, paloma loca

Looking at the sky, hail, crazy dove

Prende el vuelo

Take flight

Moderated by Laura Fernández
Bogotá, Colombia July 28, 2024
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