Duelo de vedettes, pluma por doquier
Starlet duel, feathers everywhere
ira a flor de piel
Anger on the surface
le clavo su taco aguja
She nails her needle heel
y ahora esta del otro lado
And now she's on the other side
no conecta el pasado
The past doesn't connect
su conciencia, la atormenta y huye
Her conscience torments her and she flees
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
chico dandy, rey farsante
Dandy boy, fake king
diferente igual
Different but the same
del suburbi que se escapa
Escaping the suburb
deja atras el gris cemento
Leaving behind the gray cement
flash, neon luces del centro
Flash, neon lights from the center
seducido, cae en la trampa
Seduced, falls into the trap
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
galoperos, por dinero
Riders, for money
sacan un puñal
Draw a dagger
sangre tibia en el paisaje
Warm blood in the landscape
cruza a vuelo sobre el puente
Flies over the bridge
lo distrae la corriente
Distracted by the current
piensa en ella, y no hay marcha atras
He thinks of her, and there's no turning back
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
fiesta de farsantes
Party of charlatans
en la espuma social
In the social foam
invitame a pasar
Invite me to come in
dejame entrar...
Let me in...