Perra Suerte
En este mismo bar de mala muerte
In this same rundown bar
Me quiero emborrachar hasta olvidar
I want to get drunk until I forget
Esas falsas promesas que me isiste
Those false promises you made to me
No quiero ya tus besos recordar
I no longer want to remember your kisses
En este mismo bar donde aquel dia
In this same bar where that day
Para mi gran desgracia te encontre
To my great misfortune, I found you
Con vino yo ahogaba una herida
With wine, I drowned a wound
Y todos mis fracasos te confie
And I confided all my failures to you
Supiste como hacer para meterte
You knew how to get into
De lleno a mi herido corazon
My wounded heart completely
Con mentiras lograste convenserme
With lies, you managed to convince me
Pero hoy tambien me pagas con traicion
But today you also pay with betrayal
Por que me tocaria esta perra suerte
Why would I have this damn luck?
No puedo en este mundo ser feliz
I can't be happy in this world
De mi ya no se apiada ni la muerte
Even death doesn't pity me anymore
Tal vez ya mi destino sea sufrir
Maybe my destiny is to suffer now
Amigo cantinero sirvame otra y
Friend bartender, serve me another and
Si llegara a verla por favor
If you happen to see her, please
No quiero que le cuente mi derrota
I don't want you to tell her about my defeat
Que no sepa que me duele su amor
Let her not know that her love hurts me
Tan falsa y traicionera como la otra
As false and treacherous as the other one
Maldigo el momento en que la vi
I curse the moment I saw her
Jure que esto jamas me pasaria
I swore this would never happen to me
Pero como un estupido cai
But like a fool, I fell
Por que me tocaria esta perra suerte
Why would I have this damn luck?
No puedo en este mundo ser feliz
I can't be happy in this world
De mi ya no se apiada ni la muerte
Even death doesn't pity me anymore
Tal vez ya mi destino sea sufrir
Maybe my destiny is to suffer now