Y Dicen

Adan Sanchez
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Y dicen que no debo quererte

And they say that I shouldn't love you

Que solo de tenerte

That just having you

Te causo mucho mal

Causes you a lot of harm

Lo nuestro no debe ser caria ato

Our thing shouldn't be a commitment

Que solo es un capricho

That it's just a whim

Que me debes dejar

That you should leave me

Y dicen que no debo mirarte

And they say that I shouldn't look at you

Que no debo buscarte

That I shouldn't seek you

Que no te vuelva amar

That I shouldn't love you again

Que todo a sido un imposible

That everything has been impossible

Que se hace preferible

That it becomes preferable

Tenernos que dejar

To have to leave each other

Que digan

Let them say

Que digan lo que quieran

Let them say whatever they want

Que yo hasta que me muera te he de amar mucho mas

That I will love you much more until I die

Que digan

Let them say

Que alcabo tu me quieres

Because in the end, you love me

Y yo se que prefieres

And I know that you prefer

Y yo se que prefieres

And I know that you prefer

Morir que terminar

To die than to end

Que digan

Let them say

Que digan lo que quieran

Let them say whatever they want

Que yo hasta que me muera te he de amar mucho mas

That I will love you much more until I die

Que digan

Let them say

Que alcabo tu me quieres

Because in the end, you love me

Y yo se que prefieres

And I know that you prefer

Y yo se que prefieres

And I know that you prefer

Morir que terminar

To die than to end

Moderated by Elena Rodríguez
Buenos Aires, Argentina March 31, 2024
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