Llevame Contigo
Romeo SantosLyrics
Hey, escucha las palabras de Romeo
Hey, listen to Romeo's words
No se si has cambiado de opinión y no te vas
I don't know if you've changed your mind and won't leave
Si tu vuelo de las 3 cancelarás
If you'll cancel your 3 o'clock flight
Como mi invento arte de magia
Like my magic trick
Como logro que me ames mucho más
How do I make you love me even more
Sé que tal vez no lo digas, pero me ves un llorón
I know maybe you won't say it, but you see me as a crybaby
Ese maldito viaje ya se confirmó
That damn trip has already been confirmed
Solo recuerda si me dejas no se vale
Just remember, if you leave me, it's not fair
Te sugiero, por favor
I suggest to you, please
Llévame contigo que no aguanto la aflicción
Take me with you, I can't stand the affliction
Llévame contigo no seas malita y no no, llévame contigo y si te vas de vacación
Take me with you, don't be mean and no no, take me with you, and if you go on vacation
Llévame contigo aunque sea de chaperón
Take me with you even if it's as a chaperone
Llévame contigo o habrá desolación, llévame contigo, ponle fin a mi temor
Take me with you or there will be desolation, take me with you, put an end to my fear
Donde se fue tu amor para buscarlo rápido
Where did your love go to find it quickly
Come on
Come on
Para ti hasta siempre te amare fue un refrán
For you, "I'll love you forever" was a saying
Y el matrimonio un papel que romperás
And marriage, a paper you'll break
Si es que acaso queda un poco de cariñito, regálame tu amistad
If by chance there's a little affection left, give me your friendship
Pelase, llévame contigo que no aguanto la aflicción
Peel off, take me with you, I can't stand the affliction
Llévame contigo no seas malita y no no no
Take me with you, don't be mean and no no no
Llévame contigo y si te vas de vacación
Take me with you, and if you go on vacation
Llévame contigo aunque sea de chaperón
Take me with you even if it's as a chaperone
Llévame contigo o abra desolación,
Take me with you or there'll be desolation
llévame contigo ponle fin a mi temor
Take me with you, put an end to my fear
Donde se fue tu amor para buscarlo rápido
Where did your love go to find it quickly
Llora guitarra lloraa! Dale mami
Cry, guitar, cry! Go, baby
Take me with you tomorrow
Take me with you tomorrow
Take me take me take me with you tomorrow
Take me, take me, take me with you tomorrow
Tomorrow tomorrow, you need this in your life
Tomorrow, tomorrow, you need this in your life