El Corrido de Julian Perez
Los Tucanes de TijuanaLyrics
Nacio mas pobre que el pobre
Born poorer than the poor
Pero el valor le sobraba
But courage overflowed in him
Desde muy chico el muchacho
Since he was a little boy
Su valentía demostraba
His bravery he displayed
Dandole le muerte al mafioso
Giving death to the mafioso
Que a su padre le matara
Who killed his father
Y que tambien a su madre
And also mistreated his mother
El cobarde maltrataba
The coward abused
Asi se dieron las cosas
That's how things happened
Asi lo quiso el destino
That's how destiny wanted it
Le hizo un favor a la mafia
He did a favor to the mafia
Matando a aquel individuo
Killing that individual
Despues hubo reacomodos
Then there were rearrangements
Julian quedo protegido
Julian remained protected
El tiempo paso volando
Time flew by
Juliansito había crecido
Little Julian had grown up
Su madre le dio la espalda
His mother turned her back on him
Tambien juanito su hermano
Even Juanito, his brother
Se fueron a california
They went to California
Y de julian se olvidaron
And forgot about Julian
Por culpa de sus negocios
Because of their business
Oficio que rechazaron
A trade they rejected
Jualian se hizo poderoso,
Julian became powerful
Juan soldado americano
Juan, American soldier
Cada quien por su camino
Each on their own path
Al destino desafiaron
Challenged destiny
Las malas noticias llegan
Bad news arrives
Cuando menos lo esperamos
When we least expect it
Desaparecido en guerra
Missing in war
Juan perez es declarado
Juan Perez is declared
Alla por lejanas tierras
There in distant lands
Su peloton fue emboscado
His platoon was ambushed
Su madre no se consuelaaa
His mother can't console herself
Y a julian a procuradoo
And sought Julian
Que tu eres muy poderoso
"You are very powerful"
Se dice por todos lados
They say everywhere
Que nadie puede contigo
No one can stand against you
Que todo tienes comprado
You have everything bought
Si quieres que te perdone
If you want forgiveness
Te voy hacer un encargo
I have a task for you
Traeme de vuelta a mi juan
Bring back my Juan
Y lo quiero sano y salvo
And I want him safe and sound
Julian volvio a sus terrenos
Julian returned to his lands
Y armo un comando de muerte
And formed a command of death
Habia llegado el momento
The time had come
De asu madre reponderle
To answer to his mother
Su brazo derecho el labio
His right-hand, Labio
Le cordino todo el jefe
The boss coordinated everything
Pero antes de alzar el vuelooo
But before taking flight
Fue a la tumba de mal verde
He went to Mal Verde's tomb
Volaron asta turquia
They flew to Turkey
La chacha los hizo fuerte
The maid made them strong
Era una mision suicida
It was a suicidal mission
A iraq tenian que ser frente
To Iraq, they had to confront
Pelaron por varios dias
Fought for several days
Corrieron con mucha suerte
Ran with a lot of luck
Y rescataron con vida
And rescued alive
A juan el soldado perez
Juan the soldier Perez
La sangre de la familiaaa
The blood of the family
El poder de los poderes
The power of powers