Para Hoy
Los FalconsLyrics
Para hoy que te has marchado
For today, you have left
Mil cosas hay que hacer
There are a thousand things to do
Y espero que no vuelvas
And I hope you don't come back
A engañarme como lo hiciste ayer
To deceive me like you did yesterday
Bastante me has dañado tú
You have harmed me enough
Con vivir junto a mí
By living with me
Y hoy doy gracias al cielo
And today, I thank heaven
Que te has marchado de aquí
That you have left from here
Mucho yo te quise y eso me daño
I loved you a lot, and that hurt me
Pero hoy he comprendido
But today, I have understood
Que al final he ganado yo
That in the end, I have won
Todos tus recuerdos
All your memories
He sembrado en el jardín
I have planted in the garden
De ellos una rosa, espero cosechar
From them, a rose, I hope to harvest
Y así mismo demostrarte
And thus show you
Que hemos terminado ya
That we have finished already
(Tus mentiras, tus engaños
(Your lies, your deceits
Siempre me hicieron daño
Always hurt me
Por eso hoy decirnos adiós
That's why today saying goodbye
Fue lo mejor. Para los dos)
Was the best. For both of us)
Mucho yo te quise y eso me daño
I loved you a lot, and that hurt me
Pero hoy he comprendido
But today, I have understood
Que al final he ganado yo
That in the end, I have won
Todos tus recuerdos
All your memories
He sembrado en el jardín
I have planted in the garden
De ellos una rosa, espero cosechar
From them, a rose, I hope to harvest
Y así mismo demostrarte
And thus show you
Que hemos terminado ya
That we have finished already
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra. Com
From AlbumCancionYLetra. Com
Todos tus recuerdos
All your memories
He sembrado en el jardín
I have planted in the garden
De ellos una rosa, espero cosechar
From them, a rose, I hope to harvest
Y así mismo demostrarte
And thus show you
Que hemos terminado ya
That we have finished already