Tres Claveles y Un Rosal

Juan Gabriel
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Las puertas del panteón, se abrieron de par en par

The doors of the cemetery, swung wide open

Sepultaron a mi amor, jure, no volver a amar

They buried my love, I swore not to love again

Hasta la tumba llegue, donde hoy descansa en paz

I reached the tomb where he rests in peace

Y en su tumba le deje, tres claveles y un rosal

And on his grave, I left three carnations and a rosebush

Con lágrimas en mis ojos, en su tumba deje escrito

With tears in my eyes, I wrote on his tomb

Los claveles son tú amor, y el rosal es tu olvido

The carnations represent your love, and the rosebush is your forgetting

Salí del triste panteón, vi la tumba abandonada

I left the sad cemetery, saw the abandoned tomb

Dios mío guárdame su amor, Dios mío recoge su alma

My God, keep his love for me, my God, take his soul

Se me olvido mi pañuelo, cuando regrese por el

I forgot my handkerchief when I returned for it

Vi que en la cruz escribía, nunca te olvidaré

I saw that on the cross he wrote, 'I will never forget you'

Y me incliné, recogí el pañuelo, que olvidaba yo

And I bent down, picked up the handkerchief that I had forgotten

Y los claveles mire, los claveles mire

And I saw the carnations, I saw the carnations

Pero el rosal, ya no estaba

But the rosebush was no longer there

Moderated by María Pérez
Mexico City, Mexico March 6, 2025
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