Mujeres Bonitas
Joan SebastianLyrics
Mujeres bonitas tengan compasion
Beautiful women, have compassion
De mi corazón iluso
For my deluded heart
Si no han de cumplirle no le hagan jalon
If you don't intend to fulfill it, don't pull it
Que alborotarlo es abuso
Stirring it up is abuse
Mujeres bonitas mirar criminal
Beautiful women, looking like criminals
No ven que me están matando
Can't you see they're killing me?
Aunque hoy les declaro muy confidencial
Although today I declare it very confidentially
Que mi muerte estoy gozando
That I'm enjoying my death
Mujeres bonitas
Beautiful women
Mujeres que mi alma llora
Women that my soul mourns
Mujeres mujeres
Women, women
Mujeres mi alma adora
Women that my soul adores
Mujeres bonitas tengan discrecion
Beautiful women, have discretion
Cuando esten comprometidas
When you're committed
Que su coqueteo al volverse traición
Because your flirting, when it turns into betrayal
Ha costado muchas vidas
Has cost many lives
Mujeres bonitas hay muchas por ahí
Beautiful women, there are many out there
Y no todas son traidoras
And not all of them are traitors
Todos mis respetos en esta canción
All my respects in this song
A las bonitas señoras
To the beautiful ladies
Mujeres bonitas
Beautiful women
Mujeres que mi alma llora
Women that my soul mourns
Mujeres mujeres
Women, women
Mujeres mi alma adora
Women that my soul adores