Que Me Van A Hablar De Amor

Cristian Castro
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Que te quiero demasiado

That I love you too much

Que me entrego sin medida

That I give myself without measure

Que ya todo te lo di

That I've already given you everything

Que yo vivo para ti

That I live for you

Que eres dueña de mi vida

That you're the owner of my life

Que me estoy haciendo daño

That I'm hurting myself

Que el amor así es enfermo

That love like this is sick

Y que porque quererte así

And that why loving you like this

Y estar pendiente de ti

And being attentive to you

Por las noches ya no duermo

At night, I don't sleep anymore

Que me van a hablar de amor

That they're going to talk to me about love

Si yo sé cuanto la amo

If I know how much I love her

Desde el día en que la vi

Since the day I saw her

En su cuerpo me perdí

In her body, I got lost

De ella vivo enamorado

I live enamored of her

Que me van a hablar de amor

That they're going to talk to me about love

Si yo nunca la he olvidado

If I've never forgotten her

No me importa si sufri

I don't care if I suffered

Si mi vida la perdí

If I lost my life

Quiero estar siempre a su lado

I want to always be by her side

Y por eso no hago caso

And that's why I don't pay attention

A las cosas que me dicen

To the things they tell me

Pues, por un amor así

Because, for a love like this

Lo que digan por ahí

Whatever they say out there

No me deja cicatrices

Doesn't leave scars on me

Que me van a hablar de amor

That they're going to talk to me about love

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú June 18, 2024
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