El Tiempo Cura (part. Adan Golden Ganga)
Charles AnsLyrics
Déjame a solas, aunque, odie las despedidas
Leave me alone, even though I hate goodbyes
El tiempo cura todo pero cobra con la vida
Time heals everything but takes a toll with life
Unos pierden por amor por el humo, la bebida
Some lose for love, for smoke, for drink
Sírveme otras dos, sal y limón en la herida
Serve me another two, salt and lemon in the wound
Es otra excusa pa' sentir que vibro de nuevo
It's another excuse to feel that I vibrate again
Aunque me aíslo nunca fui de prisas o peros
Even though I isolate myself, I was never in a hurry or had buts
Si tu caricia asfixia nunca fue sincero
If your caress suffocates, it was never sincere
No niego que sea una delicia, oler tu pelo
I don't deny that it's a delight, smelling your hair
Bueno, al borde de ese precipicio
Well, on the edge of that precipice
La cuerda floja de tus ojos y tus acertijos
The tightrope of your eyes and your riddles
Yo solo un bobo de ojos rojos que predijo
I'm just a fool with red eyes who predicted
Que la música era todo se lo contaré a mis hijos
That music was everything, I will tell it to my children
Digo, toda una vereda por delante
I say, a whole path ahead
Desde aquel martes 13, ya son 13 años de darle
Since that Tuesday 13th, it's been 13 years of giving
A veces mágico, a veces titubeante
Sometimes magical, sometimes hesitant
A veces la cabeza llena otras sin nada que contarte
Sometimes with a head full, other times with nothing to tell you
Sabes? Yo me la vivo a mi manera
You know? I live it my way
Siempre pensé quizás por ti me detuviera
I always thought maybe I'd stop for you
Aquel mal de amores una crisis pasajeras
That love ailment, a passing crisis
Hoy nada nos libra como en música ligera
Today nothing frees us like in light music
No vine a vender humo, no vine a vender sobras
I didn't come to sell smoke, I didn't come to sell leftovers
Que vida la mía, que me fía y me lo cobra
What a life mine, that trusts me and charges me
Veneno de serpiente no confíes ni en tu sombra
Snake venom, don't trust even your shadow
Pase de adorarte a solo sentir que me estorbas
I went from adoring you to just feeling that you bother me
Se ve que te quise por mis cicatrices
It seems that I loved you through my scars
Si nunca lo viste pues te lo perdiste
If you never saw it, then you missed it
Te quise dar amor del bueno
I wanted to give you good love
Pero amor propio debes encontrar primero
But self-love you must find first
Yo no quiero detenerte, solo quiero decirte que
I don't want to stop you, I just want to tell you that
Nada podrá complacerte, si no logras verte
Nothing will please you if you can't see yourself
Así que vete, mejor ya vete
So leave, just leave