La Boda Del Huitlacoche (part. Los Honorables)
Carin LeonLyrics
Y continuamos, compadre
And we continue, compadre
Pa' que lo sigan bailando machín, compadrito
So they keep dancing enthusiastically, compadrito
Dice, se llama La Boda del Huitlacoche
He says, it's called The Wedding of the Huitlacoche
La boda la celebraban en la selva del coyote
The wedding was celebrated in the coyote's jungle
La boda la celebraban en la selva del coyote
The wedding was celebrated in the coyote's jungle
Estaban los guajolotes cantando bien neciesotes
The turkeys were singing foolishly
Estaban bien borrachotes cuando llegó el tecolote
They were quite drunk when the owl arrived
Cuando llegó el tecolote calmándoles el mitote
When the owl arrived calming their chatter
Hoy se casó el Huitlacoche
Today, the Huitlacoche got married
Con una urraca famosa
With a famous magpie
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
Vamos ahí
Let's go there
Échele, compa Yaitan
Go ahead, compa Yaitan
Tíralo machín, compa Woody
Throw it, vigorously, compa Woody
Ya estaban en el estrado cuando llegó el zopilote
They were already on the stage when the vulture arrived
Gritaban en el estrado cuando llegó el zopilote
They shouted on the stage when the vulture arrived
Pidiéndoles un galfarro rodado, pero comprado
Asking for a rolled gizzard, but bought
Comprado con su dinero que hasta se quitó el sombrero
Bought with his money, he even took off his hat
Que hasta se quitó el sombrero y dijo a su compañero
He even took off his hat and said to his companion
Hoy se casó el Huitlacoche
Today, the Huitlacoche got married
Con una urraca famosa
With a famous magpie
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
A gozar, compadre
Let's enjoy, compadre
Compa Tamarindo
Compa Tamarindo
Y arriba la ruta del tío Sonora, compadre
And up with Uncle Sonora's route, compadre
Let's go!
Como no los invitaron, varios estaban muy muinos
Since they weren't invited, several were very sulky
Como no los invitaron, varios estaban muy muinos
Since they weren't invited, several were very sulky
Abajo, en un patiecito, había unos correcaminos
Below, in a small courtyard, there were some roadrunners
Arriba, en unas piedrota, estaban unas güilotas
Above, on some big rocks, there were some pigeons
Estaban unas güilotas echándose una grandota
There were some pigeons having a great time
Hoy se casó el Huitlacoche
Today, the Huitlacoche got married
Con una urraca famosa
With a famous magpie
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
La boda la celebraban allá por La Rumorosa
The wedding was celebrated there by La Rumorosa
¡A gozar!
Let's enjoy!
Let's go!